Thursday, January 28, 2010

Day Two

I just got a personal email from Barack Obama. It pissed me off. But it kept my mind off cheese.

It said: "Gina, I cannot do it alone. I need your help."

True enough. Your 59 out of 100 Democratic senators, and your huge majority in the House have to bucky up, don't they? So, here's my question. Why do you not ask me to be your citizen lobby to call Democratic Congressmen and Sentators to support you?

NO, instead I get this demi-insulting punchline:

Can you help fuel our fight for the middle class with a monthly donation of $15 or more?

No. NO. NO. I will call, I will write, I will call out. But I will not send a single cent to a corrupt political party of either persuasion. John McCain's " Gina, Did you watch the State of the Union?" email arrived immediately after Barack's. It had the same punchline. But at least it was honest begging for re-election money.

Obama's email tells me that Barack's minions and maybe the president himself don't get it. There's huge power in his personal appeal, and in his policy proposals, yet he doesn't ask for my voice to help him move Congress. He asks for my money for a corrupt system, for a party that can't tie its own shoelaces, and whose holdout members openly disrespect him. The request contradicts, confuses, and in the end insults.

Hey, it keeps my mind off cheese.


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